The Art of Covering Up: Transitioning Your Summer Wardrobe to Fall

Over the next couple of months as the summer days shorten and the weather cools, you may feel a touch of sadness in the air as another summer slips by and we gear up for fall. I know we do as we’re reminded of those carefree summer days as kids replaced with the realization that school is just around the corner. But many of our clients say that they love the autumn – the cozy feeling of an extra layer of clothes, the rich colours of trees, and a nice warm drink. Pumpkin Spice Lattes anyone?

The truth is, the fall can be a lot more comfortable than summer because the cooler weather gives us greater control over our personal temperature. If summer is about trying keeping cool by stripping down your wardrobe, then the key in transitioning to fall is about the art of covering up. And you don’t need a whole new wardrobe just yet – you can keep the summer alive just by adding a few key pieces!

Read them all at Eligible Magazine's post The Art of Covering Up: Transitioning Your Summer Wardrobe to Fall.